Will GPT Create A Tsunami Of Mundane, Boring And Stifling Communication?

We may be seeing (and reading) a new level of content creation that redefines spam!

3 min readJan 9, 2023


GPT Summary: The rise of GPT has brought about a new era of content creation that could potentially inundate us with an overwhelming amount of mundane and stifling communication. GPT has made it incredibly easy to generate blog posts and essays with just a few keystrokes, leading to an abundance of content that may appear productive, intelligent, and prolific. However, as GPT becomes increasingly ubiquitous, there is a risk of it being used to generate spam and unwanted but intriguing content, creating a challenge for users to filter through and prioritize information. Even though GPT has the potential to revolutionize communication and improve access to information, it is crucial to consider both its positive and negative applications. While progress often involves setbacks, GPT is undoubtedly steering us down this path, and it is up to users to determine how to harness its advantages while mitigating its drawbacks.

It’s just getting too easy.

GPT has become the platform for a new level of “instant verbosity” that offers a blog post or essay with the easy of a few keystrokes. And what makes things really confusing is that this sea of content can be far from superfluous—it might be terrific. The volume, for business and personal use, may be completely overwhelming. But it can sure make you look productive, intelligent and even prolific. At least for now…

It’s clear that GPT-3 is becoming ubiquitous. Further, Microsoft might be incorporating OpenAI’s technology into its Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook apps. And remember, Microsoft has $1 billion investment in this platform. So, it’s both a functional and business decision.

The simple reality is that GPT can and will be used to generate interesting spam or other unwanted, yet fascinating content, at least some of the time. And all this material will compete for mindshare in difficult and problematic ways.

Ultimately, this may be the Faustian bargain that we must make with GPT and newer platforms including GPT-4 and beyond.

Yet we still need to note that GPT is simply a tool, and it’s up to the users of the tool to decide how it is used—and the advantages abound. There are many ways in which GPT and other language models could be used to improve communication and make it easier for people to access information. In many ways, GPT is redefining the entire search industry. So, while your inbox fills up, it’s important to consider the potential positive applications of the technology as well as any potential negative ones.

Sometimes, progress is two steps forward and one step back. And the backwards step can feel counter-intuitive, wrong, and even overwhelming. But that’s the path we’re on and GPT is going to take us down that very road.




I’m a technology theorist driving innovation at humanity’s tipping point.