An astronaut riding a horse created by DALL·E 2

Creativity And The Fine Line Between Human And Artificial Intelligence

A few key strokes can create original art that rivals the great masters.

3 min readJun 9, 2022


Startling, bold, and controversial, artificial intelligence is further encroaching on humanity’s creativity. OpenAI’s DALL·E 2 is an artificial intelligence platform that creates amazing art that completely blurs the line between artist and technology. It’s not just a simple creation that mimics an existing pattern, but photo-realistic art that is conjured by the user with simple phrases and a few keystrokes. Further, DALL·E 2 can take an existing image and create different variations of it inspired by the original. The results are so realistic that it is difficult to tell where the computer’s hand ends and human imagination begins.

This technology isn’t just changing the way we see art, but how we create it as well. With artificial intelligence platforms like DALL·E 2, anyone can be an artist. It democratizes creativity and makes the creation of art accessible to everyone—at least from a technological perspective.

But, is it art, or is it just a techno-copy of what humans have done before?

There are arguments to be made on both sides. On the one hand, you could say that artificial intelligence is just another tool that artists…




I’m a technology theorist driving innovation at humanity’s tipping point.