A Digital Twin In The Boardroom?

The very human aspects of a board seat may be enhanced by technology.

3 min readNov 5, 2022


Artificial intelligence and LLMs have become an increasingly important part of modern society, and as such, it may deserve a seat at the table when it comes to the board of directors’ decisions.

With advances in technology and growing reliance on AI-powered systems in everything from healthcare to finance, artificial intelligence is becoming a critical component of many businesses. And yet, despite its importance, this valuable technology is often left out of discussions around the board of directors’ decisions.

At first glance, this may seem like a puzzling oversight. After all, board members are typically responsible for making strategic business decisions that affect the future direction and success of companies. So why wouldn’t they want to make use of cutting-edge AI tools and algorithms when weighing their options? Perhaps the truth is that board members may not fully understand how AI works or how it can be applied to their “sacrosanct” roles on a board. They may also be concerned that incorporating AI into board deliberations could change the nature of board discussions and decisions in unpredictable ways. Typically, the board is a very human construct that is based on very human skills — from professional contacts, high profile experience, and the intangible aspects of charism. From the contemporary perspective, AI just don’t fill that role.

But the reality is that the digital twin might be the perfect solution for today’s boards. And this option may not be far off. The digital twin could be a valuable tool that could help board members make better decisions based on data and analytics — driven by the objectivity of artificial intelligence. By having a digital twin for each board member, we could track the performance of the twin set and collect data on how they interact with others on the board. This information could then be used to improve board meetings and make better decisions for the company as a whole. And of course, the “live” board has direct oversight of their twin companions. The digital board may offer potential advantages.

  • Scenario planning and advanced data analytics.
  • Simplification of meeting logistics.
  • Expand virtual engagement to an almost continuous process.
  • Shifts the cognitive “heavy lifting” to technology that can support decisions.
  • Allows “live board” members to think and act in a more informed and efficient manner.

However, this dynamic lives at the very top of the corporate food chain and may be one of the most “disruptive” options that technology offers businesses today. Today’s board members — often the least technology savvy in a company — need to become more informed on the benefits of AI and learn how to effectively incorporate it into decision-making processes. It’s entirely conceivable that board members can take full advantage of this powerful technology while still maintaining the quality and integrity of board discussions. With a smart, and guarded approach, the digital twin can be a practical, economic and insightful tool for conventional board members—and stockholders—looking to stay ahead of the curve in today’s rapidly changing and complex business landscape.




Written by JOHN NOSTA

I’m a technology theorist driving innovation at humanity’s tipping point.

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